Tallahassee, FL: At the recent ADA Annual Session, the ADA House of Delegates passed Resolution 52. This resolution says “Resolved that in order to enhance dental patient health and safety, the ADA urges all state dental boards to register U.S. dental laboratories”. The culmination of ADA taking this step has been more than ten years in the making. NADL President Elect Gary Iocco and Bill D’Aiuto, DDS, former Chair of the ADA Council on Dental Practice and a current Trustee for the National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology testified at ADA proceedings on this resolution.
“Doctors from around the country testified at Reference Committee Hearings and on the House of Delegates floor in favor of Resolution 52, commenting that this was a supportive measure to ensure the domestic dental laboratory industry would thrive in the future by ensuring basic standards of operation,” says Gary Iocco, NADL president-elect.