IDA President Dr. Steve Ellinwood created the COVID-19 Task Force to develop and a distill a series of best practices for PPE guidance and patient safety using materials from the Center for Disease Control, the Indiana State Department of Health, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, and the American Dental Association.
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Month: March 2020
ADA Recommending Dentists Postpone Elective Procedures
The ADA is recommending that dentists nationwide postpone elective procedures in response to the spread of the coronavirus disease, COVID-19, across the country. “The American Dental Association recognizes the unprecedented and extraordinary circumstances dentists and all health care professionals face related to growing concern about COVID-19,” according to the March 16 statement from the ADA President Chad P. Gehani.
ADA Develops Guidance on Dental Emergency, Non-Emergency Care
The ADA provided its members and their patients detailed guidance on March 18 on what to consider dental emergencies and nonemergency dental care as part of an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus disease, COVID-19, and alleviate the burden on hospital and emergency departments.
The guide is meant to provide additional guidance following an Association recommendation that dentists nationwide postpone elective procedures to do their part to “mitigate the spread of COVID-19.”
ADA Recommends Dentists Postpone Elective Procedures
The ADA is recommending that dentists nationwide postpone elective procedures in response to the spread of the coronavirus disease, COVID-19, across the country. “The American Dental Association recognizes the unprecedented and extraordinary circumstances dentists and all health care professionals face related to growing concern about COVID-19,” according to the March 16 statement from the ADA President Chad P. Gehani.
get in touch
Dental Ceramics, LTD
Joseph McCann, CDT
4520 Northwestern Drive
Box 40
Zionsville, IN 46077
Lab Hours
M-F: 8am – 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed